Monday, March 7, 2011

On Child-rearing

"We rob our children if we merely seek to have them meet our expectations. We need to be on God's agenda for our kids lives so they can experience the abundant life God intends for them." -Henry Blackaby in Bible study, Experiencing God

God, I want to be on your agenda for our child's life. I don't want to make up an agenda myself. We want all of our children to know you and to "be conformed to the image of Christ." Like Paige said (prev post), kids are on loan to us for a while. They are not ours.

Even if I think my agenda is a godly one, I'm not wise enough to pull it off lovingly and fruitfully, He is the gardener and the vine. John 15: 1-5. God leads and guides it, I don't. I may play a role in how He guides it and I feel blessed for the opportunity to do so.

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